Sunday, July 27, 2008

An amusing addendum

So I was looking through our pictures of our trip to Brianhead and saw these pictures of a pond and I had to chuckle to myself. In Cedar Breaks my brother in law Jason heard about a cool pond that we needed to go see. He said that it wouldn't be a bad walk and that it wasn't very far.... Right. Although it wasn't too far in "hiking in the woods"terms, it was far enough. Nor was it a gingerly paced walk. I, hearing it was just a "walk"opted out of changing into my tennis shoes and wore flip flops. It wasn't bad but my ankles got pretty sore and there was a lot of ups and downs and rocks. When we got to the pond it was like .... we walked all the way for this??? But now looking back at the pictures it was actually pretty so I am glad I did it. Even if I did have sore ankles. What did we learn from this little extravaganza? Don't listen to our super motivated (and in shape) brother in law when it comes to "walks" :)