Sunday, September 21, 2008

A few of my Favorite Shows

I have to quickly give a shout out to FINALLY saying poka (meaning buhbye) to boring rerun shows. A bunch of my favorite shows will be or have already been shown this season. I will now name a few, not in any particular order:

1. The Biggest Loser: Families

I love The Biggest Loser and wish I could go on it. I know if I worked out 6-10 hours a day and had someone tell me what I can eat I would for sure succeed. And people like me so I wouldn't get voted off... its a win-win really. On the down side I could potentially have Jillian yelling in my face and I'm not sure that would end up very pretty. But since I don't have that, I have decided to start working out and try to eat healthier. I have gone to the gym this last week and have been walking on my lunch breaks with a girl at work. It feels nice to do something about it. Way to inspire me Biggest Loser!

PS - Did anyone see Kim Lyons as one of the trainers on the Dr. Phil weight loss challenge thing? I am glad her stint on the Biggest Loser was a short one, she was too emotional.. she bugged big time.

2. Survivor: Gabon

Oh Survivor, How I heart you so! I am not sure why I am so drawn to this show but I just am. Maybe my Mom has instilled the love of it into me from a young age as she too never misses an episode. Its just a good show and I love to pick the people I like from the beginning and watch their cunning ways. Such brilliance. I can't wait to strap in this Thursday and get hooked to the 17th season. Thanks Jeff Probst for all of your fantastic hosting skills! Bring me your torch, the tribe has spoken, you will now be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.

3. Chuck

Jason gave a shout out and a very good list of reasons to watch Chuck the other day on here. I standby most of what he said ;) I love this show. Thanks to the writers strike last year it ended without enough episodes to suit me. I am excited its back. Very. It makes me laugh and its adventurous without offending me with blood. Fine family fun! Well, for Jason and I at least!

4. Life
Thanks to my father-in-law I have gotten into this show and absolutely love it. It's creative and the main character is... well exactly that, a character. He is funny and I just love to watch what they will come up with next. The opening scene of the first season was him getting released from prison after being in there for 10 years for murder charges. He was obviously innocent so the rest of the season is him working as a cop again and trying to solve crimes while he focuses on who really did murder the people he was framed and charged for. I love it. Can't quite figure out the grip it has on me, but I love it just the same.

5. Eureka
This one is just seriously a good watch. It's on the sci-fi channel so unless you have cable you won't get to watch it. But its really funny and very creative. The characters are awesome and its just a fun show. Thanks Jason for introducing this one to me! I never knew I would actually really get into a show on the sci-fi channel, but I have and I'm not ashamed to admit it :).

6. The Office
I love this show. Seriously love it. From the moment it starts to the moment its over I enjoy every minute of it. It is witty and a little too close to home in some cases. If you work in an office you can appreciate it.. even if you don't I think you still can! One caution though: If they focus a whole episode solely on Michael, you might feel a little crazy. Otherwise sit back and enjoy the fun Thursday comedy. The first time I saw it I didn't get it, and didn't much enjoy it.. but let it simmer. You too will come to love Dunder Mifflin and all of its stellar employees.

One final shout out: I would like to thank my DVR which without it, I would not be able to maximize my total TV watching potential. I am officially addicted to it and am quite sure I could NOT live without it. Well, I would probably still be breathing but it would not be the quality of life and that I have become accustomed to.

Oh and if any of you would like to call me after one of these episodes, I love to talk about who got voted out or kicked off. It takes me all of the next day to recover. I'm still in shock how much weight some of those people lost last week!

Back on the Housing Scene!

Hey Everyone!! It's been quite a while since I have written anything. Jason has written a few so as to not make our blog totally outdated, thanks Jas :). We ran into a snag in our dreams to buy a house and I think I got into a bit of a funk about it. But I'm out now and happy to report we do believe we fixed the snag and should be back on the prowl to find a place again. We found one we really liked back before and will probably end up putting an offer on that one, but we are keeping our options open. I think until it's final it won't hit me that we really are buying a house because I got excited before and had the ol letdown. Despite all of that I really am excited though. It will be nice to be able to own a place, have a parking spot remotely close to our place and not have to walk up flights of stairs to bring groceries in... all things I am going to be very grateful for :). As soon as we put an offer on something and get the ball rolling I will post pics of the place we have decided. I am kind of looking forward to making a home of our own and have made a goal with myself to make sure that everything has a place and that its cute, functional and most importantly, feels like our Own :) I may need some cute decorating ideas from my cute decorating friends :) Even though we don't have a place I am excited to paint it fun colors. Hope you guys are all doing well!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thoughts on the Day

Today started just like most Thursday mornings for me. I was about 5 minutes late for work, was bombarded by E-mails as I got to my desk and I ate a bagel. Today, however, at 8:00 am, my co-workers and I gathered outside to face the rising sun of a new day and silently remembered the fallen heros of seven years ago. It wasn’t anything grand. There wasn’t any speakers. It was simply a group of civilians, soldiers and airmen gathered together to reflect. I couldn’t help my thoughts from wandering to October 2006 when a similar group of friends and co-workers visited a rather mundane field made hallow in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. This is the final resting place of Flight 93. I remember thinking on that cold fall afternoon that this spot didn’t hold any spectacular beauty. In fact it wasn’t remarkable in any way, yet the feelings felt shall never be forgotten. I was overcome with a sense of sadness, resolve, patriotism, and awe at the heroics of that day. Glad that the rain hid my tears as I recalled the words of Lincoln given not two hours to the south-east, "...that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth." Today this is my prayer, my hope. That the prayers of the good and righteous shall continue to sustain this nation. That the banner of freedom and its price be remembered instead of ridiculed. May the Holy Ghost be our guide, may the light of Christ illuminate our path, may God bless the United States of America. - Jason