Sunday, September 21, 2008

Back on the Housing Scene!

Hey Everyone!! It's been quite a while since I have written anything. Jason has written a few so as to not make our blog totally outdated, thanks Jas :). We ran into a snag in our dreams to buy a house and I think I got into a bit of a funk about it. But I'm out now and happy to report we do believe we fixed the snag and should be back on the prowl to find a place again. We found one we really liked back before and will probably end up putting an offer on that one, but we are keeping our options open. I think until it's final it won't hit me that we really are buying a house because I got excited before and had the ol letdown. Despite all of that I really am excited though. It will be nice to be able to own a place, have a parking spot remotely close to our place and not have to walk up flights of stairs to bring groceries in... all things I am going to be very grateful for :). As soon as we put an offer on something and get the ball rolling I will post pics of the place we have decided. I am kind of looking forward to making a home of our own and have made a goal with myself to make sure that everything has a place and that its cute, functional and most importantly, feels like our Own :) I may need some cute decorating ideas from my cute decorating friends :) Even though we don't have a place I am excited to paint it fun colors. Hope you guys are all doing well!


Annilee said...

How exciting, I didn't know that you were looking at buying a house. I am jealous, I love that we are in a house now, I just hate flushing the $1000 in rent every month. Maybe someday I will have a place to call MINE! Love you girl!