Thursday, July 15, 2010

One Favorite Thing

One of my favorite things in life? Old friends. Not to be confused with friends that are old (cause we are NOT old!), I mean good ol friends. You know the people who you adore but don't see or talk to much? Even though time goes by, when you do get together again its like you never skipped a beat. I just adore it. I love "old" friends. I had dinner tonight with two of those old friends and I had a blast. What do people do in life without fun friends that know your roots and history? Thanks for organizing the event ladies, I love you! Thanks to all of you that I consider my friends, young, old, been around for decades and new ones. You are all the best. Love and more Love!


Julie said...

Hey dear. I count you as one of my old friends. Funny thing. . . I had a very involved dream about you the other night and then read your comments on our blog the next morning. :)

Julie Carlile said...
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Julie Carlile said...

Yeah! you posted your thoughts :) Love it. The best part of last night was giving Liz a hard time and laughing our heads off! I love you so much thanks for not thinking I am too crazy after all these years and for being such a great friend. I had a wonderful time.

Liz said...

That was so much fun even though Julie was divulging way too much information.j/k We will definitely have to do this more often. I love you guys!

Amy said...

I seriously cherrish the moments we all get back together and we just pick up where we left. It's the most comfortable wonderful feeling and I am always sad when the evening has to end. Glad you three got together and hopefully I can be there for the next one! Miss you!